This document will grow with the more plot IDs I discover. If you have the Gibbed Save Editor for Mass Effect 3, know that you can put multiple Weapon mods - and multiple copies of the same weapon mod for an additive effect - for a weapon that either Shepard or a Squad member carries around.->Open the Gibbed ME3 Save Editor->Open your save for your character->Switch to the Raw tab->Under the Section 3. I'm too stubborn to just accept not knowing the plot IDs, so I opened up ME3Explorer's Plot Editor and did some digging and I am documenting my findings in a Google Sheet. Unfortunately, some necessary plot IDs aren't included in Gibbed or any plot ID dumps I could find. In EGM for example, you can get new war assets if you complete certain missions in ME1 & 2 and make certain choices in those missions. Most of the relevant plot IDs are already implemented in the GUI in Gibbed Save Editor, but it only has near-complete coverage for the base game. Recently I've been wanting to take advantage of choices from Mass Effect 1 & 2 in the Mass Effect 3 mods I have (most notably EGM, Spectre Mod, Ark Mod, and Omega Hub), particularly in regards to new war assets. You can then pick from any of the skins you have downloaded for Batman.TL DR - I found some extra plot IDs for use in Gibbed Save Editor and wanted to share.

To wear one of the skins for your first playthrough select your game save then press Left, Left, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Down. How do I change costumes in Arkham Asylum? You can only use it on challenge maps and the game asks you which you want to use. In Asylum you only get one alt skin once beating the story.

How do you get skins in Batman Arkham Asylum? You will get an audio confirmation and when you continue your game, you will get the option to select your favorite skin. To unlock this, simply press the following combination on the Main Menu screen (after you have selected your save slot): Left, Left, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Down. How do you change skins in Batman Arkham City PC?

Texmod is a utility to browse, extract, save and modify textures in Direct3D 9 applications.