The Warden's primary mission is to gather an army and defeat a Blight however, political tensions, disruptions and numerous other distractions (and inspirations) are bound to cross our hero's path. This is where the main plot of Dragon Age: Origins begins. After playing through one of these origins, he or she will join the Grey Wardens during the events of Dragon Age: Origins and may even rise to the rank of Warden-Commander in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening.Īs the origin story is played out, the protagonist is recruited by Duncan, leader of Ferelden's Grey Wardens, to aid King Cailan Theirin and his troops against an incoming army of darkspawn at Ostagar. This character will hail from one of six social classes ranging from casteless dwarf or landless elf to Fereldan noble or even dwarven royalty. Relive the darkest hour of the Grey Wardens with all-new content that adds to the main Dragon Age: Origins campaign.The Warden is the main protagonist of Bioware's Dragon Age: Origins. Whatever the truth, Soldier's Peak is no place for the living. Others whisper of betrayal and the spirits of murdered Grey Wardens. Some claim the fortress of Soldier's Peak is corrupted and overrun by demons.

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